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Chesapeake storms explored at CBMM October 30

Join Great Storms of the Chesapeake author David Healey at the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum on Thursday, October 30 beginning at 5 p.m. as he shares the history of the Chesapeake Bay region’s hurricanes, blizzards, fogs and freezes over the last four centuries. Space is limited, with advanced registration needed.

Before John Smith’s crew weathered its first squall, the Chesapeake Bay region had been ravaged by every storm imaginable. Later, a 1769 hurricane altered the course of history, demolishing the shipping channels of Charlestown and making Baltimore the dominant port. A once-in-five-hundred-years storm—tropical storm Agnes— left more than seventy people dead and devastated the ecology of the bay.

Healey has written several mysteries and thrillers, including Sharpshooter and Ghost Sniper, and has authored the non-fiction books, 1812: Rediscovering Chesapeake Bay’s Forgotten War, and Delmarva Legends & Lore. His articles and essays have appeared in several magazines and newspapers, including American History, The Washington Times, and Maryland Life.

The October 30 event takes place in the museum’s Van Lennep Auditorium, with signed copies of Healey’s book available for purchase. The cost is $6 for CBMM members and $8 for non-members, with pre-registration needed by calling 410-745-4941 or emailing [email protected]. For more information, visit