Weekends include two astronaut programs, scale model show, engineering fair
Thursday, Feb. 5
5 to 9 p.m.
The Museum of Flight
Wells Fargo Free First Thursday
Once a month, the Museum stays open late and admission is free. Enjoy the Museum’s Great Gallery, Personal Courage Wing, and more, courtesy of Wells Fargo. Museum store and Wings Café will also remain open for the extended hours on this night.
Saturday Feb. 7
2:30 p.m.
Shuttle Astronaut Joan Higginbotham Speaks at Museum
On Feb. 7 at 2:30 p.m., former space shuttle astronaut Joan Higginbotham will be at The Museum of Flight to give an inspiring presentation for students and families. Higginbotham is the third female African-American astronaut. In 2006, she logged over 300 hours in space as a crewmember of a shuttle mission to the International Space Station.
Saturday, Feb. 7
8 a.m. to noon
Popsicle Bridge Contest Gives Everyone a Break
Passions run high on Saturday morning, Feb. 7, as teams of high school students from around Puget Sound compete to have their dreams shattered in front of an audience of parents and peers. It is all engineered for good fun at the annual Popsicle Bridge Building Contest, sponsored by the Younger Member Forum of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Competitors must design and build small bridges that are strong and aesthetically pleasing while using only Popsicle sticks and white glue. The bridges are judged for creativity, and then subjected to the pressures of a hydraulic press until they snap. The longest-lasting and most original structures win. Event runs 8 a.m. to noon, free.
Saturday, Feb. 7
10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Engineering Fair is a Haven for Young Engineering Geeks
The universal span of engineering is demonstrated at The Puget Sound Engineering Council’s annual Engineering Fair at The Museum of Flight. Youths interested in engineering can learn all about the exciting career opportunities by talking to professionals in the field including those from NASA, Boeing and universities. Student clubs will be in force, and there are plenty of hands-on activities for young children. The event is free, and runs from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 14-15
10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
NorthWest Scale Modelers Show Brings Hundreds of Displays
Explore worlds in miniature at the 2015 NorthWest Scale Modelers Show at the Museum of Flight Feb. 7-8, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. See hundreds of detailed scale models of all types at the state’s largest show of its kind. While airplane and spacecraft models predominate, there are also exotic cars, boats, and creations from fantasy. The show includes modeling seminars with the experts, with free make-and-take activities for families.
Saturday, Feb. 14
1 p.m.
R2-D2 Live Onstage
A bit of Hollywood takes the stage as master modeler Bob Jacobsen shares the spotlight with his life-size, operational replica of the movie star droid, R2-D2. Jacobsen will talk about how he built the diminutive robot, then both man and machine will field questions from the audience.
Saturday, Feb. 14
2 p.m.
Speaker Program Delves into the Myths of the WWII German Air Force
Museum Curator Dan Hagedorn and World War II Historian Dr. JD Wyneken shed light on the dark facts about the World War II German air force. With the loss of many hard records regarding the exploits of the German Luftwaffe during World War II, there exists a certain romanticism surrounding Hitler’s air force in the eyes of some historians and many history buffs. Hagedorn and Wyneken aim to put the record straight during this 2 p.m. presentation. Free with admission to the Museum.
Saturday, Feb. 21
2 p.m.
Astronaut Jay Apt Speaker Program
Four-time space shuttle astronaut Jay Apt will speak at the Museum to talk about his amazing life as a NASA astronaut, scientist, pilot, photographer and even a model rocketeer! Apt is a featured speaker for the National Association of Rocketry annual convention–NARCON 2015–being held at the Museum this weekend. Apt is one of the few people that have made spacewalks, and has been in orbit with not only the shuttle but the Russian Mir space station.
Saturday, Feb. 28
10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Electric Flight Symposium Will Power the Imagination
Erik Lindbergh, CEO of Powering Imagination and grandson of Charles Lindbergh, leads a symposium that looks at the advancements in the field of electric-powered flight, quiet flight, and the development of sustainable, innovation technologies for powering the future of aviation. This day will feature talks from experts in the field, displays of electric powered vehicles, as well as a reception for attendees to interact with the presenters.
For general Museum information, please call 206-764-5720 or visit www.museumofflight.org