CINCINNATI – Due to popular demand, Cincinnati Museum Center has extended the run of Jerusalem in the Robert D. Lindner Family OMNIMAX® Theater through April 5. Beginning February 13, Jerusalem showtimes will be daily at 4 p.m. and at 9 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays.
As Cincinnati Museum Center prepares for the opening of Humpback Whales on February 13, part of the worldwide premiere, visitors are still filling the theater for Jerusalem.
“Humpback Whales is one of the most anticipated new films in years for the OMNIMAX® Theater, but the demand is still strong for Jerusalem,” says Dave Duszynski, vice president at Cincinnati Museum Center. “Due to the demand and popularity of Jerusalem we will keep it on screen for at least one show each day through Easter Sunday.”
Sacred to half the people on earth, fought over more than any other place in history, conquered and destroyed, rebuilt and reinvented repeatedly over 5,000 years, the city of Jerusalem is cherished by billions. Jerusalem gives audiences a rare glimpse into the storied city through exclusive aerial images and access inside iconic holy sites across the city. The ancient city stirs the minds and hearts of people halfway across the globe, quickly becoming a crowd favorite OMNIMAX® film.
“Visitors constantly tell us that they have been to Jerusalem, in some cases many times, but they have never experienced the city like this or been able to visit all the places featured in the film,” says Duszynski. “Audiences also love how history, science and religion are masterfully woven together.”
Jerusalem is a city of many religions and an important crossroads of civilization. Through breathtaking aerial footage, eye-opening personal stories and remarkable historical perspective, Jerusalem takes you inside the heart of the ancient city in ways never seen before.
From February 13 to April 5, showtimes for Jerusalem will be daily at 4 p.m. and at 9 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays. For tickets visit