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Museum of Flight Oct. 17 Presentation Offers an Astrophysicist’s and a Composer’s Cosmos

SEATTLE – On Oct. 17 at 2 p.m., the Museum offers a presentation with an artist and scientist and their unique perspectives on the cosmos, “The Origin of the Universe and Everything in It.” The event is also a preview of ” Origins: Life and the Universe,” a multi-media symphony that showcases a unique intersection of music, science and art that premieres Nov. 7. at Seattle’s Benaroya Hall. Speakers at the Museum event are theoretical astrophysicist Matt McQuinn, and composer Glenna Burmer, whose work is featured in the “Origins” concert. The lecture is free with admission to the Museum.

Carina Nebula, NASA.
Carina Nebula, NASA.
McQuinn’s lecture will look at how our universe was formed, and how small fluctuations on the cosmic microwave background grow into galaxies with stars and planets. Burmer will flip the perspective and present her musical and visual interpretation of the universe’s history, followed by a video preview of her composition for the “Origins” concert. McQuinn and Burmer will be available for questions from the audience, to further explore the process of bridging science and art.

Matt McQuinn
McQuinn is a theoretical astrophysicist and cosmologist who specializes in the study of the “stuff between galaxies.” In particular, he studies the properties of this matter and its evolution from the infant Universe up until today. “I also think about the first galaxies,” McQuinn says, “the large-scale structure of the Universe, and the nature of the dark matter.”

Glenna Burmer
Burmer is a composer, author and physician-scientist, co-founder of LifeSpan BioSciences, and managing director of Burmer Music LLC. Her composition, The Big Bang, follows the 13.8-billion-year history of our universe, from before its inception to the present day.

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