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PEER UK Announce Wherewithal Exhibition

Wherewithal is a showcase exhibition that brings together four diverse, emerging artists who are all completing a year-long Acme studio award for recent graduates.

From top left, clockwise: Alison Balance, Harriet Foyster, Rutie Borthwick, Hugo Brazão
From top left, clockwise: Alison Balance, Harriet Foyster, Rutie Borthwick, Hugo Brazão
Alison Ballance’s deft organisation of hand woven textiles, print works, watercolour drawings and texts, is a restrained yet emphatic way of talking about doubt.

Rutie Borthwick’s practice focuses on how the human form in its entirety is a receptor – how the tactile can be a powerful trigger for the fundamental preverbal emotions and desires we have from birth.

Hugo Brazão continues to explore the imaginative possibilities of pareidolia – a psychological phenomenon for the mind’s eye to willfully perceive and interpret a familiar pattern of something where none exists, such as the man in the moon or animals in cloud formations.

Harriet Foyster’s practice is centred on an examination of the notion of labour, and how it is understood, measured and rewarded in the context of current capitalist economics, which pervades our everyday lives.

Acme’s Residency and Awards Programme was established up in the late 1990s to help alleviate the increasing pressure on fine art graduates to find ways to live, work and sustain a practice in the capital.

Date: 28 September to 15 October
Opening reception 27 September 6-8pm

Opening times: Wednesday to Saturday 12 to 6pm
Location: PEER, 97 & 99 Hoxton Street, London N1 6QL
Nearest Transport: Hoxton Overground / Old Street Underground
Admission Price: FREE
E-mail: [email protected]