Museum PR Announcements News and Information

Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum 19th Annual Charity Boat Auction

The Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum (CBMM) is hosting its 19th annual Charity Boat Auction on Saturday, September 3, 2016 with proceeds benefiting the children and adults served by the museum.

Charity Boat AuctionThe live auction begins at 11am along the museum’s waterfront campus, where more than 100 boats—ranging in size and performance from sailing dinghies to cabin cruisers, and everything in between—will be auctioned off to the highest bidders. CBMM’s Boat Donation Program Managers Lad Mills and Todd Taylor take donations and resells boats throughout the year, holding aside some of the inventory for the annual auction.

The event also includes a flea market-style tag sale from 9 a.m. till 11am in which visitors are able to purchase a variety of used boating gear, including ground tackle, electrical equipment, hardware, rope or chain, ladders, fishing tackle, motors, and more.

Beginning at 10:30am, beer and barbeque will be available for purchase. Boat sales are on-going throughout the year, with all auction boats subject to sale prior to the auction. Auction boats will be available for inspection at the museum, several days prior to the auction.

Advance bids will be accepted, and can be called in at 410-745-4961 until 2pm on Friday, September 2.

For safety reasons, non-service dogs need to be kept home during CBMM festivals, including the Charity Boat Auction. Leashed dogs are only permitted on the museum’s campus during regular operating hours.

To donate a boat or items for the tag sale, or for a fully updated listing of the boats up for auction, please contact 410-745-4961 or email [email protected] or [email protected].

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