Museum PR Announcements News and Information

Tickets available for BMA Art After Hours and CrafternoonsLimited tickets available for BMA’s Art After Hours and Crafternoons

Art After Hours Friday, September 16, 8-11 p.m. $25 Non-Members; $20 Members

Bring your friends to the BMA for a glowing party! Focus on light in art: create a long-exposure photo with DIY glowing light brushes, take a Night Light art challenge, gaze through a telescope at the full moon, and more. Drinks and light fare for sale.

Crafternoons Saturday, September 24, 2-4 p.m. $15 Non-Members; $5 Members

The BMA is teaming up with The Loading Dock and SCRAP-Bmore to bring you an exciting new series of make-and-take art classes. Projects in this series focus on reusing materials and turning them into incredibly cool works of art that you can use!

Baltimore Museum of Art
10 Art Museum Drive
Baltimore, MD 21218