Museum PR Announcements News and Information

Children mix art with science at Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum – CBMM this February

Each Saturday this February, young mariners ages 4 to 9 are invited to the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum in St. Michaels, Md., to participate in CBMM’s new STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math) Team. Class sizes are limited, with advanced registration needed.

cbmm_steamteamEach week, CBMM’s STEAM Team will be led by instructor Martha Hamlyn in a hands-on exploration of different Chesapeake-related themes, incorporating STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) with the arts. Each child will create a Chesapeake-related art project from each session, which is included in the cost of the program.

Two sessions will be held each week, one from 10:00 a.m. to noon for 4 to 6 year-old children; and another from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. for 7 to 9 year-old children.

Program themes include “Ice, Water, Snow” on February 4, “Up, Down & Over: Bridges and Locks” on February 11, “Raptors Around Us: Owls and Eagles” on February 18, and “Barges and Boats: Make Them Float!” on February 25.

The cost per class is $12 for CBMM members and $15 for non-members. A special four-session pass is available at $40 for CBMM members and $50 for non-members. Need-based scholarships for individual classes are available. Program registration can be made online at, or for more information, email Allison Speight at [email protected].

Established in 1965, the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum is a world-class maritime museum dedicated to preserving and exploring the history, environment, and people of the entire Chesapeake Bay, with the values of relevancy, authenticity, and stewardship guiding its mission. Serving more than 70,000 guests each year, the museum’s campus includes a floating fleet of historic boats and 12 exhibition buildings, situated in a park-like, waterfront setting along the Miles River and St Michaels harbor. Charitable gifts to the museum’s annual fund enable CBMM to educate and inspire the next generation of Chesapeake Bay stewards, and can be made online at

From now through 2018, museum guests can see the log-hull restoration of the 1889 bugeye, Edna E. Lockwood, with more information at For more information about CBMM, visit