Museum PR Announcements News and Information

Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum announces next restoration project the 1912 tug Delaware

The Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum has officially announced its next major shipyard project—a restoration of the 1912 tug Delaware. The restoration will begin with lofting this winter—following the launch of the 1889 bugeye Edna E. Lockwood in October 2018—and start in earnest in January 2019.

“This is a full stem-to-stern restoration,” said CBMM Shipwright James DelAguila, who will serve as lead on the project. “We’re excited to get started.”

With work taking place in full public view, CBMM’s shipwrights and apprentices will begin work on Delaware’s keel, stem, and horn timber in early 2019, then progress to framing and planking in the latter half of the year. Work on deck structures will follow, with the project anticipated to take two years.

Built in Bethel, Del., by William H. Smith, Delaware once hauled scows on Broad Creek—often laden with lumber—and towed ram schooners to and from Laurel, Del. Occasionally, she carried parties of young people to Sandy Hill for day trips on the Nanticoke River. Donated to CBMM by Bailey Marine Construction in 1991, Delaware is now a member of the floating fleet on display along CBMM’s waterfront campus.

“This is a truly exciting time for CBMM, thanks in large part to the flurry of activity in our shipyard,” said CBMM President Kristen Greenaway. “Working on these unique vessels helps us further tell the story of the Chesapeake Bay. We can’t wait to share them with our guests.”

To learn more about this, and other shipyard projects, visit

The Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum will begin a restoration of 1912 tug Delaware this winter, following the relaunch of 1889 bugeye Edna E. Lockwood in October.