Museum PR Announcements News and Information

Get out on the water with the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum this summer

The Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum is offering two kayak paddles this summer to help its guests get out on the water. Registration for both is required to

The first offering is scheduled for 9am–1pm Saturday, June 30, when participants are invited to join CBMM Shipyard Programs Manager Jenn Kuhn and Lead Educator Matt Engel for a guided paddle along the San Domingo Creek and around Hambleton Island. The group will meet at the boat launch on E. Chew Street in St. Michaels, and the day will conclude with a tasting at Eastern Shore Brewery. Participants are invited to bring their own kayak or rent one from CBMM, and are encouraged to bring sunscreen, lunch, and something to drink.

The cost for the June paddle is $28 for CBMM members and $35 for non-members without a kayak rental. With a rental included, the cost is $60 for members and $75 for non-members. Participants must be 21 or older. To learn more, visit

On Monday, July 30, from 7:30–9:30pm, an evening Full Buck Moon Paddle will launch from Fogg’s Cove on CBMM’s St. Michaels campus. Native American tribes gave moons names as a way of tracking seasons. During this time of year, a buck’s antlers are in full growth, giving July’s full moon the name Full Buck Moon. Participants are again welcome to rent gear or bring their own.

The cost for the July paddle is $16 for CBMM members and $20 for non-members without a kayak rental. With a rental included, the cost is $28 for members and $35 for non-members. For details, visit

CBMM’s small craft rental program runs from June through October, with sailing vessels, kayaks, and rowboats available for hour or daily rentals. The program operates Saturdays and Sundays, June 2–10, and will expand to include Fridays June 22 through Aug. 26; Sept. 7–30; and Oct. 12-21. Rentals are closed during CBMM festivals, which are listed at For more, visit