Museum PR Announcements News and Information

National Underground Railroad Freedom Center – Applications for the 2019 Youth Docent Program

CINCINNATI, OH – The National Underground Railroad Freedom Center is now accepting applications for the 2019 Youth Docent program sponsored by and in collaboration with the Cincinnati Chapter of the Links, Incorporated. The program provides Greater Cincinnati freshmen, sophomores, and juniors the unique opportunity to learn about the Underground Railroad and contemporary freedom issues, connecting the past to the present, and the educational training to share that knowledge with the public on the museum floor. Applications are due Friday, October 5, 2018.

“It is incredibly important for young people to know and understand that the legacy and ongoing struggle for freedom effects us all,” says Tara Riley, Strategic Projects Officer at the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center. “Students who enter this program become not only scholars and ambassadors of this important history and its impact on today but also leaders and stewards of the Freedom Center’s mission in the community. These young people become change makers.”

Students accepted into the Youth Docent program are expected to attend all training sessions, field trips, and meetings. Once the service internship begins in February 2019, Youth Docents will serve and participate in additional enrichment activities in order to complete the program. The National Underground Railroad Freedom Center’s Youth Docent program was founded in 2003 in collaboration with the Cincinnati Chapter of the Links, Incorporated.

2019 Youth Docent program applications are being accepted now through October 5, 2018. The introduction banquet for the incoming class is scheduled for November 3, 2018. Click here to review expectations, important dates, and complete the application. Greater Cincinnati freshmen, sophomores, and juniors are encouraged to apply. For more information about exhibits and programs at the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, visit