Museum PR Announcements News and Information

Learn to recommission your engine with the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum

On Saturday, April 17, the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum will host a program dedicated to showing you how to commission your diesel engine after winter storage.

In the virtual program, CBMM’s Marine Mechanic, Josh Richardson, will show you how to check all engine oils, assess the engine’s temperature and running condition, flush its heat exchanger, and change the sacrificial anodes and fuel filter. He will also troubleshoot issues you may face down the road as the owner of a small diesel engine.

Held via Zoom from 10–11:30am, participants are encouraged to ask questions while receiving an in-depth look at what’s involved in commissioning a diesel engine. The cost to participate is $25, with a 20% discount offered to CBMM members. To register, visit