Museum PR Announcements News and Information

Pterosaurs at the Museum of Flight

On March 25 paleontologist Don Henderson brings prehistoric flight to life during his presentation about the tireless pterosaurs who ruled the skies over 65 million years ago. Henderson is the Curator of Dinosaurs at the Royal Tyrrell Museum in Drumheller, Alberta Canada. Inverse has described the Tryrrel as a museum that “boasts one of the greatest fossil collections on the planet.” Henderson has been involved in the identification of two new dinosaur species, and he is a proponent of mixing art and science in the study of dinosaurs.

Henderson’s 2 p.m. Museum program will focus on pterosaurs, the flying reptiles that evolved a fantastic variety of body shapes, sizes and lifestyles all over the world during the age of the dinosaurs. The presentation is free with Museum admission.

For Museum information, please call 206-764-5720 or visit