On the Wing a new series of original works by Barbra Cropper, is coming to Kendal Museum, open 14 October – 18 February. The creations are inspired by Barbra’s fascination with flight and especially by the movement of the wings of insects and birds.
Barbra uses a range of monotype and collage techniques as part of the creative process, which are then taken through the press to produce unique works. Barbra does not produce commercial copies: many of her works remain signed originals, with some etchings created in small editions of 3, 7 or 10.
Preliminary studies for a piece of work begin in sketch books, but the artist is not concerned with a likeness, attempting to come to terms with something of the awe-inspiring reality of the experience of seeing and recording.
Barbra says “Poetry absorbs me and I suggest some poetry text by a special process of etching on copper. The etching process is featured in the main body of my work. I draw on a specially grounded copper plate, which is immersed in acid to bite the line and tone. The plate is cleaned and inked up, covered with a damped paper and taken through a roller press”.
Barbra cropper is well known as a painter/etcher in Lancashire and Cumbria and exhibits both locally and nationally. As a printmaker she has made a very successful in depth study of the etching process looking at Elizabeth Blackadder and Picasso. Barbra’s work reflects the strong affinity she has with nature. She looks at transience and how change can take place in a fleeting moment and also through the passage of time. Barbra is based in the Fylde, Lancashire and at her studio in Bowness, Cumbria. She travels widely and has spent nine years living in Africa.
‘On the Wing’ will feature at Kendal Museum between 14 October 2010 and 18 February 2011. Entry to the Museum is completely free until the end of December 2010 and it is open on Thursdays and Fridays 12pm-5pm and Saturdays 10.30am-5pm.
Call 01539 885597 or email [email protected]
Kendal Museum: Kendal, Station Rd, LA9 6BT
Tel: 01539 815597