New construction works at the Museum over the winter months means that from Spring 2011 the Museum will benefit from an enlarged southern apron giving space for 100 new visitor cars and greater access to the 4 acre Outside Exhibition Area.
The Nature of Flight Environment area and Woodland Walk will also be opened giving access to the Butterfly & Moth Conservation Area, Lakeside and Outdoor Educational Park courtesy of English Nature, The Environment Agency, Carstairs Countryside Trust and The British Butterfly & Moth Assoc. Whilst within the core Museum, a new digital cinema has been constructed with the very latest HD/Blueray technology, surround sound and full size screen courtesy of Savilles Audio Visual UK.
The Handley Page Aircraft Restoration Hangar has been refurbished plus a new exhibition of WWl and early aircraft, whilst the refitting of engines to the DC3 Dakota, SE5a and new DH104 Devon are well on schedule for start-up during 2011.
Yorkshire Air Museum
YO41 4AU
Telephone: 01904 608595
Fax: 01904 608246
email: [email protected]