Museum PR Announcements News and Information

Colorado Railroad Museum Announces Buffalo Bill Wild West Days

The Colorado Railroad Museum presents Buffalo Bill Wild West Days on Saturday and Sunday, July 30 and 31 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Buffalo Bill Days is coming to Golden, and the Colorado Railroad Museum is celebrating with a Wild West Days steam-up, featuring train rides in vintage passenger coaches. Meet Buffalo Bill, Doc Holliday, Big Nose Kate, Wild Bill Hickok, Wyatt Earp and a whole slew of outlaws, lawmen, ladies and gentlemen who will bring the Old West back to life with live reenactments.

Don’t miss the famed 10th Cavalry encampment, fast-draw contests, train robberies and the tent city. Plus meet nationally acclaimed author Reid L. Rosenthal. He’ll be signing his new book “Maps of Fate.”

Don’t miss a wild, wild event in cooperation with Golden’s Buffalo Bill Days, Monarch Productions, KYGO, CBS4 and Colorado Parent Magazine.

Children 2-16 $5 (2 and under free), Adults $12, Family $25, Seniors $10

Colorado Railroad Museum
The mission of the Colorado Railroad Museum is to acquire, preserve and exhibit to the general public, railroad equipment, artifacts, paper records, books, art work and photographs emphasizing Rocky Mountain area railroads, to explain and interpret the role of railroads in the history of this region from the 1860’s to the present by means of exhibits, a reference library, educational programs, publications and information sharing with other historical groups. Furthermore to provide incentives that will enhance interest in railroads and railroading history.

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