The Cape Fear Museum presents Down Home: Jewish Life in North Carolina, an exhibition that opens October 7, 2011.
Discover how Jews, through a process of struggle and negotiation, became integrated into Southern society and helped build a New South. Explore how North Carolina has shaped Jewish lives and how Jews have contributed to the state’s economic, social, cultural, and educational welfare. Down Home recounts the personal stories of hard work, dreams, and challenges of Jewish immigrants who became Southern, while struggling to maintain their cultural and religious lives.
The traveling exhibit, produced by the Jewish Heritage Foundation of North Carolina, features artifacts and recreated environmental settings depicting scenes of Jewish life.
Image: Temple of Israel, 1890 By Juna Jager Gift of Sara G. Ludlum CFM 1962.236.0001
Cape Fear Museum of History and Science is the oldest history museum in North Carolina. Since its founding in 1898, the Museum has grown and changed. It began collecting confederate relics, and now collects images and artifacts that help us understand the history, science and cultures of the region.