Museum PR Announcements News and Information

Woodmere Art Museum Announces Announces Mary G. L. Hood and Philadelphia Modernism

The Woodmere Art Museum presents Announces Mary G. L. Hood and Philadelphia Modernism, on view September 25, 2011 – January 8, 2012.

Women artists were central to the evolution of modern art in twentieth-century Philadelphia. Among them was Mary G. L. Hood (1886–1967), a painter whose art is characterized by brilliant color, a lyrical sense of line, a playful willingness to distort spatial relations, and a flirtation with primitivism. This exhibition of some seventy-five paintings also features work by Hood’s daughter, Agnes Hood Miller (1908–1967), and other artists who similarly found their voices amid the convergence of modernist forces in Philadelphia and New Hope. Cell phone audio tour available.

Image: Mary G.L. Hood (1886-1967), Untitled, undated, oil on canvas, 12 x 10 in. Collection of Sarah Hood Bodine

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