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Shedhalle Zurich Announces Live Wire. Art and Electricity

The Shedhalle Zurich Apresents Live Wire. Art and Electricity on view 8 October–18 December 2011.

2011: The radioactive contamination of Fukushima and the 25th anniversary of the nuclear reactor disaster of Chernobyl only a few weeks later dramatically made people worldwide aware of the fact that electricity does not simply come straight from the socket for endless use. Electricity is a highly embattled resource, the production of which often is non-sustainable and most often fraught with danger. Electricity is used in innumerable ways and is a commercial good but at the same time a power full of mysteries and invisible energy the actual functioning of which we can hardly understand or explain even today. “Live Wire. Art and Electricity” is an invitation to reconsider our attitude towards electricity and how we take it for granted, the exhibition tries to put electricity into a historical context and to provoke new sensual experiences.

artists: Julieta Aranda, Evelina Domnitch & Dmitry Gelfand, HeHe, Christina Hemauer & Roman Keller, Hörner/Antlfinger, Karl Heinz Jeron, Party Manual, Jan-Peter E.R. Sonntag, Alexander Tuchacek (knowbotic research), Clemens Winkler

curators: Anke Hoffmann und Yvonne Volkart

Shedhalle Zurich
Seestrasse 395

8038 Zurich


T 41 44 481 59 50

F 41 44 481 59 51
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