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Asia Society Museum Opens Sarah Sze. Infinite Line

The Asia Society Museum present Sarah Sze. Infinite Line an exhibition on view December 13, 2011 – March 25, 2012.

Sarah Sze, Guggenheim as a Ruin, 2009. Ink, string, collage on paper. Private collection.

Sarah Sze: Infinite Line is the first exhibition to focus specifically on Sarah Sze’s process. It is an exploration of line, literally and figuratively, across mediums from drawings to sculpture to installation. Initially trained in architecture, Sze explores the ways space is both represented and experienced in two and three dimensions.

Known for her installations, Sze utilizes everyday materials such as disposable plastic eating utensils, notepads, scissors and ladders, among other objects. The exhibition comprises two-dimensional works on paper and a new, large-scale site-specific installation in which she creates a complex web of materials that visually engages the architectural dynamic of a space and invites viewers to reevaluate their relation to their surroundings.
Critical support for Sarah Sze: Infinite Line has been provided by The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts.

This project is supported in part by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Additional support is provided by Ed Cohen and Victoria Shaw.

Support for Asia Society Museum provided by Asia Society Friends of Asian Art; Asia Society Contemporary Art Council; Arthur Ross Foundation; Sheryl and Charles R. Kaye Endowment for Contemporary Art Exhibitions; Blanchette Hooker Rockefeller Fund; National Endowment for the Humanities; Hazen Polsky Foundation; National Endowment for the Arts; New York State Council on the Arts; and New York City Department of Cultural Affairs.

Asia Society | 725 Park Avenue at 70th Street New York, NY 10021: –

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