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Scott Dahl named Smithsonian Museums Inspector General

Scott S. Dahl, currently deputy inspector general at the U.S. Department of Commerce, has been appointed inspector general for the Smithsonian, effective Jan. 15. He replaces Sprightley Ryan who had served as IG since 2007.

Dahl has served in various IG offices since 2003. He joined Commerce in October 2010; before that he was deputy IG for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (2007–2010) and senior counsel to the IG at the Department of Justice (2003–2007). Dahl was also a corruption prosecutor in the Public Integrity Section, Criminal Division of Justice (1997–2003) and a trial attorney in the Civil Fraud Section, Civil Division at Justice from 1992 to 1997.

For the past 20 years, Dahl has been an adjunct professor at Georgetown University Law Center, teaching classes on professional responsibility and public corruption.

Dahl graduated in 1988 from the University of Texas law school and worked at the Washington law firm of Arnold & Porter from 1989 to 1992. At the Smithsonian, Dahl will have the full responsibilities of an IG as set out in the Inspector General Act. His office will conduct audits and investigations related to Smithsonian programs and operations; promote efficiency and effectiveness within the Institution; prevent and detect cases of fraud, waste and abuse; make recommendations regarding existing policies and regulations at the Smithsonian; and keep Congress informed of his audits and investigations. He reports directly to the Board of Regents and Congress.

Dahl, 49, and his family live in Falls Church, Va.

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