Join extraordinary actress, Chandra Wilson of the television series “Grey’s Anatomy” and actor Jeffrey Anderson-Gunter at the California African American Museum (CAAM) to celebrate the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Sunday, January 15, 2012. CAAM’s Target Sunday event, “Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration – One Dream, A National Influence, A World of People” will be followed by “Cake for King” Monday, January 16, 2012, both days the galleries are open 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. and on Sunday live entertainment begins at 1 p.m. The two-day celebration will feature live performances representative of the diverse cultures in Los Angeles, art workshops, film screenings, presentations, food and much more.
Target Sundays at CAAM on January 15 will include film screenings of Dr. King’s speeches, performances on CAAM’s main stage by recording artist Carol Dennis, The Korean Dance Academy and many more. Dennis has worked with extraordinary artists such as Stevie Wonder, Bob Dylan, Michael Jackson, Bruce Springsteen and many more. On Monday, January 16, CAAM kicks off the day by participating in the annual Kingdom Day Parade in the morning followed by sharing a slice of birthday “Cake for King” at CAAM beginning at 1 p.m. and for as long as the tasty treat baked by Nooks and Grannies last. Program activities throughout Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day will include, a presentation acknowledging the winners of the MLK essay contest for the City of Los Angeles, documentary screening of “King: Man of Peace in a Time of War,” stories in the gallery with Babe and Art Evans reading, “My Brother Martin” written by Christine King Farris, and a writing and journal-decorating workshop.
The two-day festivities are free and open to the public. Doors open at 11 a.m. Children’s workshops will be held on both days beginning at 11a.m. Guests are encouraged to take advantage of the rich culture, history and ongoing exhibitions in the CAAM galleries and CAAM’s spotlight exhibition of the month, “King in California II” ongoing through February 28, 2012. The exhibit pays tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr with a display of photographs taken during some of his many trips to California. Photographs are from the collection of the Center for Photojournalism and Visual History, California State University, Northridge. For more information and a schedule of the King Day events, call (213) 744-2024 or visit