Museum PR Announcements News and Information

Sierra Leone festival at National Railroad Museum Shildon

To celebrate the links between the UK National Railway Museum and the Sierra Leone National Railway Museum in Freetown, Locomotion: the National Railway Museum at Shildon is holding a Sierra Leone Festival on Saturday September 8 and Sunday September 9, 2012.

Narrow-gauge locomotive SLGR No. 85 is already on display at Locomotion – The NRM at Shildon, and a new exhibition about the Sierra Leone Government Railway is due to open in time for the event.

The event will also feature displays of photographs from Sierra Leone, and models of SLGR locomotives. The museum is keen to have as many models of locomotives on display as the Sierra Leone Government Railway had at the time of operation – and so they’re appealing for railway modellers who could loan appropriate models to get in touch.

For more information on events and exhibitions at Locomotion: The National Railway Museum at Shildon, please visit

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