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Cincinnati Museum Center extends A Day in Pompeii exhibition

Cincinnati – If you had plans to visit the A Day in Pompeii exhibition at Cincinnati Museum Center but haven’t yet had the chance, you’re in luck! Due to popular demand, the exhibit’s stay in Cincinnati has been extended by one week!

Originally scheduled to close on Sunday, Aug. 12, you can now experience the daily life, destruction and preservation of this thriving Roman city until Sunday, Aug. 19. You won’t want to miss your chance to view 250 priceless ancient artifacts including frescos, daily household items, jewelry and the moving body casts of the victims of Mount Vesuvius, completely preserved in their final moments. Cincinnati is the only stop between Boston, Massachusetts and Denver, Colorado, where the exhibit is heading next.

To provide you with the best opportunity to experience A Day in Pompeii, we’ve extended the exhibit hours during its final ten days. The exhibit is open late, with the last entry at 8 p.m., every night from Aug. 10 through Aug. 19.

If you’re interested in history, archaeology, the science of volcanoes, art or traveling the world, this exhibit is a must-see. Get your tickets today at or (513) 287-7001.