Museum PR Announcements News and Information

CBMM presents Waterfowling for Beginners workshop December 8

The Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum (CBMM) in St. Michaels, MD is offering a Waterfowling for Beginners workshop on Saturday, December 8. The workshop combines practical hands-on waterfowling skills with information about gunning history, including the tools and tales of outlaw gunners along the Chesapeake.

Held in the Van Lennep Auditorium and along the museum’s waterfront campus, the workshop welcomes newcomers to the hunting blind, pit, or Chesapeake waterfront. The workshop is generously sponsored by Guyette, Schmidt & Deeter—the world’s leading decoy auction firm, and Judy and Henry Stansbury.

Through a series of breakout sessions scheduled from 9:30am – 3pm, Waterfowling for Beginners provides an opportunity for participants to work with masters while learning the basics of calling techniques, rig layout and strategy, retriever skills, blind placement, and brushing.

The cost to participate in the day-long workshop is $45 for CBMM members, or $55 for non-members, with lunch provided. Space is limited with pre-registration needed by calling Helen Van Fleet at 410-745-4941. Children under 12 must be accompanied by a pre-registered adult participant.

Space is limited with pre-registration needed. To register or for more information, call 410-745-4941 or visit