The Contemporary Jewish Museum, in collaboration with a host of local literary organizations, celebrates the life and legacy of Allen Ginsberg with four days of special events at venues around the Bay Area. Events include opportunities to take a tour of North Beach with Ginsberg’s personal archivist and bibliographer, an in depth discussion of the Beat Generation by literary legends David Meltzer and Bill Morgan, an exploration of the Ginsberg archives at Stanford University, a poetry Shabbat, a Beat reunion, and a panel discussion about the continuing battle for free expression since the time of the Howl obscenity trial.
Presented in conjunction with the exhibition Beat Memories: The Photographs of Allen Ginsberg.
Co-produced by Contemporary Jewish Museum, The Beat Museum, City Lights Booksellers, Lehrhaus Judaica, Genius Loci Tours, Mechanics’ Institute Library, Congregation Sha’ar Zahav, Stanford Humanities Center, and Poetry Flash, with support provided by Litquake Literary Festival.
DATES: Thursday, July 11–Sunday, July 14, 2013
TIME: event times vary–see website for details
INFO:,, [email protected], or call 415.655.7800.
TICKETS: event prices vary–see website for details
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