On June 12 at a reception held in the Van Lennep Auditorium in St. Michaels, the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum (CBMM) recognized a dedicated team of more than 200 volunteers for their combined 29,021 hours of service towards the museum over the last year. Several volunteers were recognized by CBMM staff for their work with the education, buildings and grounds, curatorial, museum store, boatyard, boat donations, administrative, communications, and events departments.
Special recognition was given to volunteers with the highest hours of service, including Bob Mason with 7,000 hours; Lorraine Glass and John Hawkinson with 6,000 hours; Don Parks and Mary Sue Traynelis with 4,000 hours; Lloyd Devigne, Jerry Friedman, Roger Galvin, Al Kubeluis, Bob Petizon, and Helen Womack with 3,000 hours; Sam Barnett, Mike Corliss, Steve Murphy, Mary Ann Ray, and Cliff Stretmater with 2,000 hours; Ed Alvarado, Audrey Brown, Russ Cochran, Rick Kuba, and Bob Traynelis with 1,500 hours; and Sandy Canon-Brown, Dick Clayton, Bill Day, Bob Hoskins, Bill Hough, Pat and Kirby Scott, Karen Shook, and Jody Stumpf with 1,000 hours.
“Each year, we gather together for a few hours to say a collective “thank you” to our dedicated corps of volunteers,” commented CBMM’s Director of Events and Volunteer Programming Melissa Spielman. “Despite our intent or how heartfelt these words are, we find that they are still woefully inadequate for the mountains of gratitude this place and our staff individually feel for our volunteers—for the time they give, for the efforts they put forth, for being here to support our mission, and to help each of us succeed in our work. We are very grateful for their service.”
Volunteer opportunities are available at CBMM with education programs, docent-guided tours, volunteer-run river cruises, administrative duties, the maintenance of 18 acres and dockage at the museum, as well as a fleet of historic boats to maintain. For more information, call Melissa Spielman at 410-745-4956 or email [email protected]