Museum PR Announcements News and Information

The Force Captures Museum on Star Wars Reads Day

SEATTLE, Sept. 30, 2015–Disney Publishing Worldwide and its publishing partners hold the fourth annual Star Wars Reads Day on Oct. 10.

star wars readsThe Museum of Flight joins Star Wars authors and costumed volunteers participating in over 2,000 Star Wars Reads Day events across North America. Activities include educational programs, arts and crafts, giveaways and three age-specific sessions focused on the successful operation of a Death Star-the Death Star Ground School. All activities except the Death Star Ground Schools are free with admission to the Museum. Visitors are encouraged to wear costumes. There will be volunteers in highly realistic Star Wars outfits throughout the Museum.

Death Star Ground School
Rebel Pilots to the Briefing Room! The Death Star is approaching! Using plans smuggled in this R2 Unit, we will study the technical details of this moon-sized battle station, study our plan of attack, and be briefed on specs of the star-fighters that will be at the Battle of Yavin IV. Learn all you can in this humorous but technically accurate briefing before heading off to destroy a battle station with a snub fighter (what could go wrong?) Bring glory to your squadron by answering Star Wars Trivia, compete in a Lego building competition, and try your hand at launching proton torpedoes without a targeting computer. All pilots will receive a small souvenir of Alderaan to inspire them to save the Galaxy.

Ages 7-10
10-10:30 a.m.
This is a shorter, kid-friendly version of the Death Star Ground School.
Participants MUST be accompanied by an adult. Admission $5. No fee for adult chaperone. Space is limited. Purchase tickets online.

Ages 11-13
2-2:30 p.m.
Space is limited. Participants MUST be accompanied by an adult. Admission $5. No fee for adult chaperone. Purchase tickets online.

Teen/Adult Session, Ages 14+
11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Rebel Pilots to the Briefing Room! The Death Star is approaching! Using plans smuggled in this R2 Unit, and conveniently printed in the Haynes Death Star Owner’s Technical Manual, we will study the technical details of this moon-sized battle station, analyze the plans for a weakness, create a plan of attack, and be briefed on specs of the star-fighters that will be at the Battle of Yavin IV. Learn all you can in this humorous but technically accurate briefing before heading off to destroy a battle station with a snub fighter.

Bring glory to your squadron by answering Star Wars Trivia, compete in a Lego Minifighter building competition, try your hand at launching proton torpedoes without a targeting computer, enter a raffle to win your own Lego Death Star to build and destroy at your leisure. After the briefing take a spin in the X-Wing Simulator so you feel ready to take on the Empire yourself!
Cost includes a personal copy of Haynes Death Star Owner’s Technical Manual, and a raffle entry for the LEGO Star Wars Death Star (set# 10188).

Participants ages 14-17 MUST be accompanied by a ticket-buying adult.
Space is limited, admission $10, purchase tickets online.

For general Museum information, please call 206-764-5720 or visit