CINCINNATI – Election day is fast approaching and Cincinnati Museum Center (CMC) is asking all kids to do their civic duty and vote… in the Duke Energy Children’s Museum Kids’ Town Election. The polls are open from 11 a.m. to noon November 7-9.
As election season drags on, the candidates for president seem to talk about every issue but the ones impacting our youngest voters. Who is going to make play great again? Who truly believes that we are smarter together? This year, three animals from CMC are competing for mayor of Kids’ Town, each running on a specific platform to improve the Duke Energy Children’s Museum. You can even stop by and meet the candidates yourself!
Shelly, the candidate from the Eastern Box Turtle Party, is hoping to secure the dino lovers’ vote by promising new dinosaurs for the dinosaur table.
Salazar, a rising star in the Black Rat Snake Party, is looking to steam to victory with a promise of new trains for the wooden train tables in the Duke Energy Children’s Museum.
Mushu, a founding member of the Bearded Dragon Party, is advocating for healthcare reform with new toothbrushes for the Inside the Grin exhibit.
Polls indicate that female voters age 6-10 could swing the election but if males age 2-5 turn out in high numbers they could be the deciding vote. Don’t leave the fate of Kids’ Town in someone else’s hands, get out and cast your vote! The winning candidate will see their campaign promise realized.
For more information on the candidates visit