Museum PR Announcements News and Information

Museum of Flight Women Fly Program Introduces Students to Aerospace Careers

SEATTLE, March 12, 2019—Over 400 students will attend the Museum’s March 21-22 Women Fly 2019 program for middle school and high school students. The annual program invites students to participate in a day of motivational and career-oriented activities that allow them to meet and learn from professional women working in a variety of aviation and STEM careers. Women Fly has been offering girls these unique programs since 2001, and registration is always quick to fill up. This year’s program is done in partnership with the Port of Seattle and King County International Airport.

Women Fly features hands-on activities, mentorship opportunities, and a resource fair with local, regional and national aviation and aerospace organizations. Participants learn through hands-on activities to help find their voices in STEM and how to prepare for airport careers beyond piloting.

Participants are students from backgrounds that are underrepresented in aviation (women, communities of color, and those who identify as queer or gender non-binary).

March 21 Women Fly for Middle School Students
In order to expose middle school participants to the breadth of possibilities for them in the STEM field, workshop leaders provide general overviews of STEM careers and hands-on activities that introduce participants to concepts such as physics, aerodynamics, and materials science.

The Women Fly Resource Fair will feature local organizations and clubs, professional organizations, and clubs who will discuss potential opportunities with participants.

March 22 Women Fly for High School Students
In order to encourage high school participants to follow the goals that they have already set out for themselves, workshop leaders will provide detailed advice about applying for internships and scholarships and navigating intercultural differences in the workplace. Participants will also have opportunities to engage in activities that involve topics such as coding, navigation, and engineering.

Participants will also attend an empowering lecture by a woman in the aviation industry who will share her own personal story of overcoming obstacles to achieve her dreams.

The Women Fly Resource Fair will feature colleges and universities, professional organizations, and clubs who will discuss potential opportunities with participants.

March 23 Women Fly Public Program
During a March 23, 2 p.m. presentation, Jeanne Yu, Boeing’s Director of Technology Integration, ecoDemonstrator and Product Development, will explore how the focus for sustainable aviation can be a catalyst to accelerate innovation.

For Museum information, please call 206-764-5720 or visit

High school students have some fun at the Women Fly career fair. The Museum of Flight.