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National Museum of Australia Presents The Irish in Australia

The National Museum of Australia presents Not just Ned: a true history of the Irish in Australia, open17 March to 31 July 2011.

Discover the surprising but true history of the Irish in Australia at Not just Ned, a major new exhibition at the National Museum of Australia opening on St Patrick’s Day 2011.

The exhibition will cover the Irish presence in Australia from the day in January 1788 when a small number of Irish convicts, marines and officials walked off the transports of the First Fleet to the continuing arrival in our own time of young Irish backpackers.

From politics and religion, to art, industry, dance and music, the Irish have had an extraordinary influence on Australia since 1788.

This impressive exhibition features rare objects from across Australia and around the world, including:

the armour of the four Kelly gang members — rarely seen together, and on show for the first time outside of Victoria

a pistol from the Burke and Wills expedition

fragments of the Eureka flag

the Rajah quilt, sewn by convict women transported to Australia in 1841 and usually on show to the public just one day each year.

Image: Armour worn by Ned Kelly, June 1880, State Library of Victoria

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