The New York State Museum presents 2011 Monster Mayhem a Fundraiser at the New York State Museum. All proceeds from Monster Mayhem benefit the Museum’s after-school programs for Albany city youth.
Monster Mash & Bash
October 22 & 29
11AM – 4PM
Adirondack Hall
$5 per child
All proceeds benefit the Museum’s after-school programs for Albany City Youth.
Goblin Games & Puzzles
Face Painting
Arts & Crafts, Stories
Fun-house Mirrors
“Boo-gy” Dance Floor
Toddlers to 10 year olds will laugh and celebrate with a host of kooky characters at our fun Halloween festival. Children may come in costume and join the spirited costume parades through the halls of the Museum at 1 & 3 pm.
Muckman Monster Movie Fest
Saturday, October 22
Noon – 5 pm
Clark Auditorium (Concourse level)
For ages 16+
$5 per person
See frightening films by horror auteur, Brett Piper. Piper will make a special appearance and will debut his latest feature film—the terrifying swamp monster movie, Muckman!
Cooking the Tree of Life
Halloween Special: the food origins of monster myths
Wednesday, October 26
7 pm – 8:30 pm
Clark Auditorium (Concourse level)
$5 per person (*reservations required)
How did vampires, witches and zombies originate? Could it be something they ate? Museum Curator and Mad Scientist Dr. Roland Kays gives the science behind three of these spooky stories of human-food interaction while the Food Network’s Chef David Britton cooks up samples using the same ingredients. Learn something new while sampling some unique food. *For reservations, please call 518-474-1569 or email [email protected] by October 21.