Daily Archives: October 12, 2012

14 posts

Mizel Museum Second Annual Gathering Sparks Event

Mizel Museum’s second annual Gathering Sparks event will be held Sunday, November 11, 2012, 1:00 to 6:00 pm at Congregation Rodef Shalom, 450 S. Kearney St., Denver. The event celebrates the light of the winter […]

Salvador Dali Museum announces Much Ado About Shakespeare

Salvador Dali Museum in St. Petersburg presents Much Ado About Shakespeare, an exhibition on view from October 1. The exhibition displays two suites of Shakespearean Comedies and Tragedies consisting of 31 sepia etchings in Much […]

Louvre Abu Dhabi. Talking Art Series

Louvre Abu Dhabi again reveals significant acquisitions forming part of the Museum’s permanent collection. These new works, including the most ancient known photograph of a veiled woman, are being announced in the second edition of […]


ST. LOUIS – The Lemay (Mo) Chamber of Commerce presented the Missouri Civil War Museum (MCWM) with a Commercial Beautification Award at its 35th Annual Awards Dinner on October 10th. The Missouri Civil War Museum […]