The Museum of Religious Arts in Logan presents Reason For The Season, an exhibition on view through January 20, 2013 and will feature:
•Nun’s on the Run from Danbury, IA will kick off our celebration once again with a performance on November 4, 2012, at 1:30. The admission for this event is $8.00 per person with a non-perishable food item for the Harrison County Food Pantry or $10.00 per person without a pantry donation. The proceeds from this event is divided between the Nun’s, the Museum, The Food Pantry or other nonprofit/charity that the board deems as essential. The Nun’s use the offering from their performance for travel expense’s with the balance donated to their favorite charities
• Christmas Tree Decorating Contest. Trees are decorated by various groups and individuals from all over the area. Winners are determined by the most dollars donated in their “Vote” boxes.
• Over 400 Nativity Scenes from all over the world.
• Over 75 Santa Claus’ and St. Nicholas’
Museum of Religious Arts
2697 Niagara Trail
Logan, IA 51546