Museum PR Announcements News and Information


CIMAM, International Committee for Museums and Collections of Modern ArtThanks to the generous support of Fundación Cisneros/Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros, CIMAM offers five grants to support the attendance of modern and contemporary art curators and museum or collection directors from Latin America with priority to professionals residing in Central America and the Caribbean to CIMAM’s 2013 Annual Conference, New Dynamics in Museums: Curator, Artwork, Public, Governance that will be held in Rio de Janeiro, 12–14 August 2013.

Deadline to submit applications – 10 June 2013 00:00 GMT

→ Application Form
→ CIMAM 2013 Annual Conference

Grants are restricted to modern and contemporary art curators and museum or collection directors from Latin America with priority to professionals residing in Central America and the Caribbean. While curators of all career levels are encouraged to apply, we are especially interested in receiving applications from junior curators who have less than 10 years experience in the field. Applicants having received CIMAM grants from Fundación Cisneros/Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros will not be considered for a new grant before 3 years.

Purpose of the grant
Grants will exclusively relate to support the purpose for which the fund was established. The funds
will be administrated by CIMAM set on a case-by-case basis up to €2.000 maximum per grantee. Funds will not be sent to the beneficiary directly and will not cover registration and expenses related
with the post-conference tour.

The travel grant covers conference registration*, travel expenses (round trip economy flights only)
and accommodation in one of the hotels recommended by CIMAM.

*Conference registration includes access to conference sessions and workshops, lunches and refreshment breaks, access to organized visits, coach service to and from planned visits to the conference meeting points and welcome kit.

Applications will be considered and evaluated by the CIMAM Travel Grant Committee consisting of the President of CIMAM and five Board Members together with the Fundación Cisneros / Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros. Grants will be conferred based on the Committee’s assessment of the professional’s genuine financial need, and the potential benefit to his/her development and/or research.

To apply and for further information on CIMAM’s 2013 Annual Conference and Post-Conference Tours, Conference Program and Membership please visit