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CIMAM International Committee for Museums and Collections of Modern Art elect new board members

CIMAM Members have elected 15 board members to represent them throughout the 2014–2016 triennial. The election process opened online on 17 June and ended on 12 August 2013. For the first time CIMAM Members were invited to vote online through a secure form available at The result of the elections was announced to the Members during the General Assembly held at MAM Rio, Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro, on 14 August 2013.

The outgoing board members and the elected board members present at the 2013 Annual Conference in Rio de Janeiro elected Bartomeu Marí, Director of MACBA, Barcelona, Spain, to be the new President of CIMAM. Patricia Sloane, Associate Curator, MUAC/UNAM, Mexico D.F., Mexico, has been appointed Secretary-Treasurer of the organization. The outgoing President for the period of 2011–2013, Zdenka Badovinac, Director, Moderna galerija, Ljubljana, Slovenia, has been named Honorary Member of CIMAM in gratefulness for her intense dedication and important contribution to CIMAM.