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CBMM volunteers recognized for service

On June 13 at a reception held in the Van Lennep Auditorium in St. Michaels, the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum (CBMM) recognized a dedicated team of more than 200 volunteers for their combined 28,002 hours of service at the museum over the last year. Several volunteers were recognized by CBMM staff for their work with the education, buildings and grounds, curatorial, museum store, boatyard, boat donations, administrative, communications, and events departments.

Special recognition was given to volunteers with the highest hours of service, including Winslow Womack with 8,000 hours; Ellen and Norm Plummer with 7,000 hours; Michael Sweeney with 6,000 hours; Paul Ray with 4,000 hours; George MacMillian, Ed Santelmann, Ann Sweeney, and Mary Sue Traynelis with 3,000 hours; Andy Flanagan, Jack Gray, Nick Green, Denis Greene, Tom Hollingshead, and Hugh Whitaker with 2,000 hours; Sam Barnett, Mike Corliss, Dot Low, Duane Lundahl, Steve Murphy, and Cliff Stretmater with 1,500 hours; and Patti Case, Kathy Gambrill, Gary Geffken, Jim Heelan, Florence Jackson, Lois Lindsley, and Steve Murphy with 1,000 hours.

Ample volunteer opportunities are available for those interested in helping with year-round education programs, docent-guided tours, volunteer-run river cruises, the maintenance of 18 acres and dockage at the museum, as well as a fleet of historic boats to maintain. For more information, call CBMM’s Director of Events and Volunteer Programming Melissa Spielman at 410-745-4956 or email [email protected].

Pictured front row, from left: Audrey Brown, Ron Fortucci, David Draut, Sal Simoncini, Sam Barnett, Hugh Whitaker, Mike Corliss, Ellen Plummer, Norm Plummer, Peggy Ford, Chrys Alvarado, Ed Alvarado, Ray Maule, Gary Nylander. Second row, from left: Mary Sue Traynelis, Sue Fortucci, Winslow Womack, Nancy Gooding, Lin Moeller, Julia Barnett, Mary Beth Webb, John Genevase, Carol Kilborn, Anne Hughes, Molly Anderson, Mary Ann Ray, Lloyd Devigne, Third row, from left: Jack Gray, Gary Geffken, Nick Green, Denis Greene, Andy Flanagan, Duane Lundahl, Bob Stelmaszek, Karen Shook, Pam White, Ann Sweeney, Don Goodliffe, Kathy Gambrill, Lorraine Glass, Jim Heelan, Paul Ray, Jim Blakely, Edna Blakley, Paul Carroll, Bob Hinkel, Jerry Friedman, Joe Irr. Back row, on the left: Elliott MacConnell, David Bodey. Back row, to the right of the photo, from the left: Steve Murphy, Etsy Collett , Mike Mabe, Jane Hopkinson, Frank Hopkinson, and Ed Santelmann.